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Punizione divina

Updated: May 12, 2023

Author: Paola Chiozza

Publication date: 2019

Publisher: Salani

Genre: Romanzo

Language: Italiano

Rate: 2/5 ⭐️ | 1/10 🌶

The plot:

We’ll go to war, but I’ll love you. Even when I deny my feelings.

Giuditta Moretti, Milanese fashion victim and brilliant university student, is in seventh heaven. To complete his studies, all that is missing is an internship in New York, in a large investment bank. An interesting job and the most beautiful city in the world await her: buying that splendid pair of Jimmy Choo shoes that they call her from the window is a worthy way to celebrate.

But something goes wrong, and due to her sorting error, her destination is no longer Manhattan, but a useless ranch on the verge of bankruptcy in Montana: horses (not the designer, sadly), bulls, cows and the smell of dung. . And Scott Sullivan, son of the ranch owner: an arrogant cowboy full of brawn and conceit, who also dresses hideously.

Giuditta, although desperate, knows that it is only a matter of holding on for a few weeks, trying to improve the disastrous economic situation of the ranch. She then she can go back to Milan, to her degree, to her beloved shops, to her life as always and all this will be just a bad memory.

Simple, isn't it? No.

Amidst fools, moments of despair and hormonal short circuits, Giuditta is about to discover the true face of her sacrifice and spirit of initiative. And perhaps also that of love.

Punizione divina is a funny, ironic and light romance that is meant to make readers smile. Paola Chiozza, indeed, with her writing made Giuditta a clumsy and gauche character, a snob at the beginning, but over time, knowing the Sullivans, she understood which are the most important value of the life (among those the zeros of the bank account aren’t included!). The story between Scott and Giuditta is unexpected: if on the one hand there’s the female protagonist, obsessed with fashion, and who sees a fashion crime from miles away, who holds AnnaWintour and Donatella Versace’s paintings and the Giorgio Armani’s santino; on the other side there’s Scott, a cowboy who can’t distinguish light red from dark red (his words!).

Despite this, the two, after many misunderstandings manage to find each other and have their happily ever after.

This romance is perfect to read if you’re sad: Giuditta’s character will be able to make you laugh since chapter one, among cow shits and fool; this girl is a natural disaster!

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