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Fallen Crest High 1

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Author: Tijan

Publication date: 2012

Publisher: herself

Genre: Romance

Language: English

Rate: 2/5 ⭐️ | +18 | 4/10 🌶

The plot:

Mason and I were united by thode pleading words.

Mason and Logan Kade are two brothers who did their own thing. They were rich and expected to attend Samantha's school, Fallen Crest Academy. They chose public school and now she has to live with them. The problem is that she doesn't care at all: about them, about her friends, about her cheating boyfriend, or even about her parent's divorce. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe change is a good thing.

The first book of Tijan'S Fallen Crest High series tell the story of Sam, Mason and Logan. While Sam is betrayed by her boyfriend and her best friends, who is jealous of her, thus turning into an unruffled girl; Mason and Logan Kade are described by all as untouchable, on the one hand because of their surname, on the other for the attitude they have towards others: arrogant and careless towards everyone, except Sam. The three know each other due to the relationship between Sam's mother, Analise, and the father of the Kade; relationship not accepted by the sons, but which led to a positive consequence later. Initially there is a climate of tension which, over time and also thanks to the non-relationship between Sam and his mother, is broken, so much so that the two make Sam part of the family and with one of these the protagonist will start a relationship (it's up to you to find out!).

Tijan also emphasizes the relationship between Sam and her mother, an almost toxic relationship, in which Analise tries to keep her daughter in check, with little success. The relationship between the two degenerates more and more over the course of story, until the two can hardly stand each other anymore.

As a reader, I admit that I have mixed views regarding this book. On the one hand I liked it and it was easy to read, even for the fluent writing of the author, on the other hand it is a book that deals with fairly obvious themes and, at times, exaggerating them. Moreover, if at the beginning the behavior of the Kade brothers seemed to me exaggerated and completely in disarray (they are still so to tell the truth, i mean, set fire to cars, really?), throughout story there's moments in which the protagonists seem to have matured and moments in which they leave you speechless for their attitudes. Even now I'm not sure how I feel about them! Despite this, I liked the ending: it suggests that there will be a sequel but it does not leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

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