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Updated: Jan 22, 2023

Author: @somebodv

Publication date: 2021

Domain: Wattpad

Genre: romance

Language: italian

Rate: 3/5 ⭐️

The plot:

Why are you here? Because now I've lost Alexandra and I don't want to lose you too.

Dean, a cop who likes to follow the rules; Sofia is a girl who loves to do what she wants and with a gigantic ego. The two meet on the evening of Sofia's eighteenth birthday, when she spends the evening in her cell in the company of Dean who's on guard of her. From that moment she is determined not to let him be anymore.

I admit that I started this book and continued because the male protagonist is a policeman (the love for the uniform has struck me too!), but it must also be said that Sofia has a particular character. In the first chapters she kept me glued to the screen with her sarcastic jokes (that of the Dean-osaurus destroyed me the first time), going on with the story however an egocentric character came out more and more which, I admit, initially made me made me want to move on and start a new book.

Sofia and Dean, however, are an explosive duo: it all started with her who shows up at his house at random, just for the sake of annoying him, until they've established a relationship of trust and friendship: in fact, Sofia goes to him when she has a problem or when she's arguing with her parents or when bored. Initially it wouldn't seem that the two are well matched (in short, she's crazy and gets drunk whenever she has the chance; while he's rigid, a policeman with or without the uniform) but over time they become more and more cute together, with him who no longer takes it out on all the ironic jokes and who supports her and she who opens up more and more, to the point of revealing every hidden detail of her life to him.

It broke my heart when she went off to try and save her father without saying anything to Dean, especially after everything they'd shared together, but at the same time their reunion felt pretty rushed. In short, you know when you're about to finish a book and you think "damn I have to go read the second one right away" because it doesn't give you a real ending? Here, I thought of this thing arrived at the penultimate chapter of Eighteen, because there's no way that this story ends with her running away to Spain without giving a real explanation to Dean. And instead it ends exactly like this, but in the epilogue there is the reunion of the two.

For this reason, when I finished this book, I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth at the conclusion of the story because in short, if it had happened to me there was no way that I forgave her within a few hours, she had to sweat my forgiveness.

Having said that, however, it was fun to read this book full of sexual jokes and with a protagonist who I still don't understand if I like her or not (kidding I love her!)

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