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Amore all'ultima vodka

Updated: May 12, 2023

Author: Miss Ansia

Publication date: 2020

Publisher: PubMe

Genre: romance

Language: italian

Rate: 5/5 ⭐️

The plot:
L'amore vero xè tanto corajo, pinciare finché se spussa da scaio, un baso dopo a sopressa co l'aio e col fià che sa da vin!

(translation from the Veneto: true love is so much courage, making love until you smell of sweat, a kiss after the soppressa with garlic and with your breath smelling of wine!)

If for an average Italian crossing the border is just an harmless challenge, giving up the idea of the bidet and our good food, for a Venetian instead it is the wind of death that begins to whisper in one's ear. Let's then add a Venetian DOK, addicted to alcohol and particularly patriotic, who is forced to leave for a remote village in north-eastern Europe (with an inhuman climate and food with unpronounceable names) then the perfect cocktail is served. Yes, but for a disaster of epic proportions! For poor Ginevra Baldin, also known as Gin, the experience will be a real survival course, because she will have to juggle colorful quarrels, rivers of alcohol and the irreverent Filip Kowalski, ready to give her a hard time. But what if the worst vacation of your life turns into the best gift that fate could give you? What if, right at the climax, the heart starts to throw a tantrum? Well, if you think trouble is just the tip of the iceberg for our Gin, then make yourself comfortable and pour yourself a drink, because you're absolutely right.

Amore all'ultima vodka is the story of Ginevra, a Venetian, and Filip, a half Russian and half Polish. If already reading this sentence you think that putting two people with these "nationalities" even close together is a gamble, well I won't lie to you, it is! On the one hand there's Ginevra, an exuberant girl, true Venetian, super patriotic (long live the Rumatera!), a little foul-mouthed (ghe sboro, the answer to everything) and half alcoholic (she embodies the idea one has of the Veneto average), on the other Filip, rigid and cold (like the countries he comes from), irreverent like few things and an alcoholic too (like Ginevra but with more resistance).

Their first meeting? In front of the bathroom arguing (what a news). And that's just the beginning, because in the second they compete to see who drinks a glass of beer first (Ginevra wins obv!) and she ends up burping in his face. Yep, that's right. After that, however, Filip isn't shocked, on the contrary he admires her for beating him.

Over time the two begin to get along, more or less (I remember that we're talking about a Venetian and a half Russian), although Filip still can't stand the exuberant nature of Ginevra and she complains of his coldness .

Francesca's writing (Miss Ansia) is funny, frank and very colorful (in this case, especially by the character of Ginevra), but at the same time romantic and, if necessary, serious. The change in the beliefs of the characters goes hand in hand with the different writing styles of Miss Ansia: it's colorful when it's Ginevra who speaks, frank with Filip, romantic when the two finally get together and serious when they tell the facts of the past they have forged their character (the violence of Filip's father on his mother and the abuse suffered by Ginevra).

A distinctive trait of Miss Ansia, however, is the joking side: whatever happens there will always be someone to laugh about it, especially if it's Ginevra who speaks, because if the book begins with a shitty figure of hers, it can only end in that way (and be full even in the middle).

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